At DWService, we praise open source values and our community is growing more and more everyday. Thanks to our users, we’ve recently been able to open new nodes around the world with one in Norway and another one in Spain. In addition, we also have a node in France, in the United Staes and in Canada. It make the whole experience much faster for everyone
But we are not stopping there. In order to offer even better performances when remotely accessing your computers via DWService, we recently decided to increase the bandwidth.
- All users now have a bandwidth of 6.2Mbps (on a best effort basis) instead of 3.2 Mbps
- Gold sponsors have a maximum bandwidth of 18,8Mbps (on a best effort basis)
- Silver sponsors have a maximum bandwidth of 12.5Mbps (on a best effort basis)
- Bronze sponsors have a maximum bandwidth of 9.4Mbps (on a best effort basis)