New features

Remote desktop now gets auto-quality!

We can now auto-adjust the quality of your remote desktop experience

One of the cool features of DWService is the ability to access the screen of your remote computer directly through a web browser. But as with any remote desktop software, the experience largely depends on the quality of the network itself. If you access a remote machine from a computer outside your house, you may not be aware of the network speed. Also you may be connected to an irregular Wi-FI network, for instance if you are on a train on a 4G connection. So we have developed a tool to help you.

General News

DWService : a few statistics from around the world

2020 is for sure a special year. As we’ve stated before, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of work from home all over the world, we have seen an increasing number of people using DWService. So we had fun looking at our statistics.

New features

Fight COVID-19 : how we’ve optimized DWService lately

The back to school season has started and for many of us, it also means back to work after a very strange summer break. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up our habits but at DWService, we’re trying our best to help you go through this crisis as smoothly as possible.