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Share your feedback with us !

If you are reading this blog post then chances are, you are a user of DWService. Over time the we have improved the service and developed several features. Today we are looking to get your feedback.

Whether you use DWService in a big, medium or small company, any kind of feedbacks is a good thing to get in order to improve our service. Also, you may be administrating a DWService account inside a university, a school, a support company or as a personal user. For those different scenario, we would love to hear what you think and more precisely what features you would like to see introduced or tbe improved.

We launched subscriptions last year in order to get stable revenues that woul help us carry on developing the project on a regular basis. At the beginning of 2021, we also introduced APIs so that any developers could embed DWService within their own custom application. Now that those sources of incomes are in place, we’d like to focus our work on what matters most to our users

For this very purpose we have made a new email specifically for feedbacks.

The idea is simple : Simply fill in the blank :

I use DWService for ……….. and my main three wishes are :
1 – ….
2 – ….
3 – ….

That’s all !

On our side, this will help us prioritize our work so we can better answer your daily needs.

And please remember, this is about feedback only.

For support, please use this email address :

Are you experiencing a problem ? Please direct your questions to :
Are you a developer ? Discover the DWService API !:

7 replies on “Share your feedback with us !”

I use DWService for remote IT support and remote home access.

My main wish is :
1 – I would like the ability to run my own node, completely independent from the DWS infrastructure.

I second this. Can we get a copy of the node software to be run on a server for an offline network? And the ability to point agents to that server? And maybe a way to use AD kerberos for authentication?

Hi Folks,

I have been meaning to write you for a long time. I just want to thank you for such a seamless and easy way for me to remotely access the computer of a deaf child that I help from who lives in a small village in India, while I am in the US.

She loves computers but is not able to understand enough to stay out of trouble and WOUND her laptop! I can jump in and do whatever is needed.

I don’t think you realize, (as most don’t) the challenges for the deaf or differently abled online and you probably didn’t anticipate the need for this population to have someone help them remotely.

Please keep the free version available. I have to fundraise for this child so it is a great boon to me.

DWS ROCKS! And I am very grateful.

I recently found out about DWS through Reddit and I love it. It supports all major systems and it easy to use. I will no longer renew my TeamViewer subscription but use the money to help DWS instead.

One question though: the recent malware attack through VSA is something to be afraid off. Your systems are secure, right?

The installer needs an “uninstall” in case we have to fix a broken configuration (MSWin10 just loves to break things with their updates)

Hi Dwservice,

how are you?

I would like to congratulate you on such a good, affordable solution for remote access.

I would like to see features such as:

1) Screen sharing
2) The ability to lock the remote keyboard. I know this works on shares but not when doing direct remote access with out using shares.
3) Have an agent that can collect hardware information to put into a database such simila to PCAUDIT. It would be great to collect this information on each PC that is remotely controlled such as hostname, brand, model, serial mumber of computer etc.

Thank you very much.

Best regards

Alfred Buatti

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