More than 5 million Covid cases have been identified in Brazil since the beginning of the pandemic. In such a situation, it has become urgent to setup the proper measures and the right tools to prevent an even wider spread of the virus. This is all the more true among students who live next to each other on campuses.
We have talked to Diego who works as a User Support Coordinator in the IT department at UNOCHAPECO (Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó)
We recently explained that we saw a peak in DWService usage since the beginning of the pandemic. Diego, who uses DWService for personal use, undertook to install it on the computers of the university. He explains :
“We use it for administrative activities of the company but mainly we use the tool to provide our students with access to the computers of the computer labs.”
To prevent an even wider spread of the coronavirus Covid-19, UNOCHAPECO has temporarily closed their doors. Yet, the university wanted to find a way to maintain classes for the students and the teachers. Diego adds:
“Because of COVID-19 students were not able to travel to the university so students can use DWService to remotely access computers to use specific software that, for the most part, is not free, or that is not possible to be installed in their computers, usually due to lack of computational resources, with that the practical classes could be maintained. In the university we use it all day every week day.”
Building a node for Brazil
One way to strengthen the overall DWService infrastructure is to set up a node. And everyone is welcome to contribute. This is what Diego and his team did in order to improve the performances of the remote access. And this is actually the first node in Brazil. He explains :
“The speed of remote access was low. We checked the nodes in South America and there were none. With this, to improve the speed of access to remote connections, we make a node available.”
In addition to creating a node, the Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó has registered an Advanced subscription granting them 20 Mbps of bandwidth when accessing the remote machines (instead of 6 Mbps for free users). This ensures a faster connection, especially when accessing the remote desktop, as well as a better screen quality.
Nodes and subscriptions are two ways one can contribute to develop DWService while enjoying a faster remote access.
While we certainly would have preferred to see students attending their classes and never hear about that pandemic, we’re glad we can help out UNOCHAPECO during this difficult time.