Christophe manages an agency which implements and sometimes hosts free software solutions for other companies. He explains how he makes use of DWService in order to assist his customers.

Christophe manages an agency which implements and sometimes hosts free software solutions for other companies. He explains how he makes use of DWService in order to assist his customers.
More than 5 million Covid cases have been identified in Brazil since the beginning of the pandemic. In such a situation, it has become urgent to setup the proper measures and the right tools to prevent an even wider spread of the virus. This is all the more true among students who live next to each other on campuses.
We have talked to Diego who works as a User Support Coordinator in the IT department at UNOCHAPECO (Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó)
2020 is for sure a special year. As we’ve stated before, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of work from home all over the world, we have seen an increasing number of people using DWService. So we had fun looking at our statistics.
The back to school season has started and for many of us, it also means back to work after a very strange summer break. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up our habits but at DWService, we’re trying our best to help you go through this crisis as smoothly as possible.